The average house price on MUTTERSMOOR ROAD is £1,194,613
The most expensive house in the street is PHEASANTS MEAD MUTTERSMOOR ROAD with an estimated value of £1,752,921
The cheapest house in the street is WESTERLY MUTTERSMOOR ROAD with an estimated value of £669,018
The house which was most recently sold was WESTERLY MUTTERSMOOR ROAD, this sold on 19 Feb 2021 for £585,000
The postcode for MUTTERSMOOR ROAD is EX10 8RH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
APPLETREE WICK MUTTERSMOOR ROAD Detached £1,254,143 £725,000 25 Feb 2011
BICKWELL MEADOW MUTTERSMOOR ROAD Detached , 308 m2 £1,130,443 £920,000 28 Jan 2020
FAIRWAY LODGE MUTTERSMOOR ROAD Detached £1,263,294 £740,000 27 Aug 2010
HIGH KNOWLE HOUSE MUTTERSMOOR ROAD Detached £1,097,859 £940,000 12 Nov 2020
PHEASANTS MEAD MUTTERSMOOR ROAD Detached £1,752,921 £320,000 29 Nov 1996
WESTERLY MUTTERSMOOR ROAD £669,018 £585,000 19 Feb 2021